Data downloaded 2024-10-08 11:38:22Z from MarChem - The Marine Chemistry database for Norwegian waters Any questions can be forwarded to or The data are available under the CC-BY 4.0 ( and NLOD ( licences Data is categorized by chemistry type: Organic: Hydrocarbons and other persistent organic pollutants (including contaminants of emerging concern) in marine sediments. Your search includes data collected from year 2023 to 2023 Your search includes data from an area defined as: from latitude 57.0 to 85.0 and from longitude -5.0 to 38.0 Your search includes data from the projects: Marine grunnkart i kystsonen Your search includes data from the following cruises and areas: 2023: 2301: North Sea Your search includes data published in the following reports: "2023; 2023;; Sedimentasjonsmiljø og historisk utvikling i forurensningsstatus i kommunene Sveio, Bømlo, Stord, Fitjar, Tysnes og Austevoll i Sunnhordland"